It depends on what details you _do_ have and how far back you need to look.
I find people as part of my work, sometimes with little to go on.
I'll gladly give you free advice but I'd rather do it by email or phone (my email is in my profile).
I did something similar for minda25 if you want a monkey-reference.
Competitive intelligence and counter-intelligence.
Household uses of shellac.
Sourdough spelt bread.
The philanthropic legacy of L.L. Nunn.
Finding missing people, living, dead, or imaginary.
I would like everyone to cook for themselves more. After some hard-won culinary consciousness-raising, maybe they wouldn't put up with the cynical and poorly-executed crap that passes for restaurant fare in this country.
Get - or share - some food skills. Prepare and serve meals to your friends and family.
Hi Minda,
I'm not sure I get this, so bear with me.
The K drive is on the Server, right? So it is a directory that you assign the "K" label to and then it is also shared as the "K" share on your net. Right?
What do you mean when you say that you, "Mapped the K drive on the server, finding it's not at all what the K drive should be." This is not clear to me.
If you have admin rights on the server with the content, get on the server and search for the files that you know are in the "K" drive. Scope out what folder contains all that. Add a new share and then go see if you can attach to it from a remote machine.
Then go back and clean things up to a point where everyone can use it.
Else, you have more general troubles or a misstep along the way.
Let me know
What genial said. You need data points. If you don't have them, you might want to get another friend-of-a-friend from way-back-when to pitch in.
Do you know anything about the subject's parents? Siblings? Vacation homes? All these things can help.
In my experience, colleges don't share alumni info except with alumni (and marketers), and sometimes all they do is forward the inquiry to the alumnus you are looking for.
There are hacks to get a lot of public record data for free, but the quality of the inquiry is the most important factor.
Another 2 cents: Keep at it. Most people can be found, but it may take time. If you can't wait get someone else to do it on your behalf.
Let us know how it is going.
smt, It depends on what details you _do_ have and how far back you need to look. I find people as part of my work, sometimes with little to go on. I'll gladly give you free advice but I'd rather do it by email or phone (my email is in my profile). I did something similar for minda25 if you want a monkey-reference. see ml
posted by masked lurker 17 years ago
In "Curious George: What, think you're an expert or something?"
Competitive intelligence and counter-intelligence. Household uses of shellac. Sourdough spelt bread. The philanthropic legacy of L.L. Nunn. Finding missing people, living, dead, or imaginary.
posted by masked lurker 18 years ago
In "What chefs want in the new year. "
I would like everyone to cook for themselves more. After some hard-won culinary consciousness-raising, maybe they wouldn't put up with the cynical and poorly-executed crap that passes for restaurant fare in this country. Get - or share - some food skills. Prepare and serve meals to your friends and family. Enjoy!
posted by masked lurker 19 years ago
In "Curious George: Big Netowork/Server Problem"
Hi Minda, I'm not sure I get this, so bear with me. The K drive is on the Server, right? So it is a directory that you assign the "K" label to and then it is also shared as the "K" share on your net. Right? What do you mean when you say that you, "Mapped the K drive on the server, finding it's not at all what the K drive should be." This is not clear to me. If you have admin rights on the server with the content, get on the server and search for the files that you know are in the "K" drive. Scope out what folder contains all that. Add a new share and then go see if you can attach to it from a remote machine. Then go back and clean things up to a point where everyone can use it. Else, you have more general troubles or a misstep along the way. Let me know
posted by masked lurker 19 years ago
In "lost ape?"
What genial said. You need data points. If you don't have them, you might want to get another friend-of-a-friend from way-back-when to pitch in. Do you know anything about the subject's parents? Siblings? Vacation homes? All these things can help. In my experience, colleges don't share alumni info except with alumni (and marketers), and sometimes all they do is forward the inquiry to the alumnus you are looking for. There are hacks to get a lot of public record data for free, but the quality of the inquiry is the most important factor. Another 2 cents: Keep at it. Most people can be found, but it may take time. If you can't wait get someone else to do it on your behalf. Let us know how it is going.
posted by masked lurker 19 years ago
In "Curious George: How to find a lost sister."
Thanks for the update, Minda.
posted by masked lurker 19 years ago
(limited to the most recent 20 comments)